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Review: Anna and the French Kiss

RATING: 4.5/5

This was such a good book!! The story was incredibly cute and painful because you just NEEDED Anna and St. Clair to be together already. This book hit really close to home and I think that's why I loved it so much because I was so emotionally invested in it.

I know all about liking someone you can't have and the struggles of the "what can never be" scenario. It's heart-wrenchingly painful and I felt for Anna so deeply in this book. I wanted to put myself in the book and be like "girl, I feel your pain".

It was SCARY how accurate parts of this story was to my own life. Like, I would read a scene and be like um..that exact same thing happened to me..Really weird but also really awesone because yes, these things happen in life. I was so glad that this book didn't turn out to be a cheesy, typical love story where two teens are undeniably in love with each other after meeting for like a day and have this passionate romance and live happily ever after. It didn't just skim the surface of a love story, it dove into the trials and obstacles that love has. And I LOVE that they were actually like best friends before they even really fell in love. They actually talked and had a real connection and were there for each other. I love that Stephanie is showing people that yes, people fall in love with their best friends and people who are in relationships and they accidentally betray and hurt the ones they care about and that love is messy and timing isn't always right or expected. Life happens. So I love the realism that Stephanie put into this book.

The only thing about this book that slightly irritated me was Anna and St. Clair's lack of communication about how they felt. Like, it was SO OBVIOUS to everyone that they liked each other A LOT. They could've skipped all the awkwardness and the fighting and the tension and just been together (even though it wasn't neccessarily that easy). But it would've saved so much time and drama. I was screaming JUST LOVE EACH OTHER into the book haha.

This was a magnificently written romance story that I'll always cherish since it reminds me so much of my life.

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