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Review: The Catastrophic History of You and Me


This book was so much better than expected! Like, wow. I just picked it randomly from my TBR list and was like eh, it sounds like an interesting concept but I thought it was going to be really cheesy. It was actually so well-written and so interesting.

The premise is that the main character, Brie, LITERALLY DIES from a broken heart. So I thought this book would be super cheesy and all about tragic romances. But there was so much more to it than just the love aspect. It focused a lot more on what the afterlife is like and it was amazing!!

For starters, Jess Rothenberg wrote some amazing narrative. It was very conversational. Brie was telling you her story and everything she was thinking. And I loved that the book would go back to memories from when she was alive.

I don't want to spoil this book so I won't go into details about specific things that were really cool, but just know THERE'S SOME REALLY COOL STUFF. The afterlife just sounds so amazing in this. Rothenberg included some really intricate conepts and I loved it.

While Brie is in the afterlife, she meets this kid Patrick who I just absolutely love. He's so funny and adorable and perfect, I think. Brie is easily annoyed by him but I love his semi-annoying and playful personality.

One other thing I loved about the writing is the title names. Each chapter is a song title and I thought that was really creative. And they each fit the chapters so well.

The book can get a little confusing at times, and it is also a little predictable (at least it was to me). But overall, I think it's such a great book with really intersting concepts that make you wonder about the afterlife. Very unique story that's highly entertaining and keeps you wanting more.

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